In the play "The Tragedy of Othello, The Moor of Venice," there are several different qualities that are put into perspective through the characters. We have Roderigo that is a fade character with no real intent and that is perceived by the reader as being not really manly. We also have Desdemona who incarnate the perfect woman loving, faithful, kind. The main character himself Othello is described with good qualities of a leader, fair, courageous, strong, trustworthy. However, despite all these good qualities, we have on the other hand characters like Iago that seeks only to do good for himself by deceiving the people around him and seeking his own personal benefit using archness and evil plans. Those vices lead Othello and Desdemona to their own downfall. I want to discuss here the changes in Othello's behavior and the immovability of Desdemona. At the beginning of the play, Iago and Roderigo are caught in the middle of a conversation that feels inappropriate right away. This place the reader in a confusion state where we wonder what is the subject of the conversation or who is being described. After realizing that they are talking about a black guy that is in command and after depicting him as unworthy of trust for the audience, we finally come to meet him later on in the play and realize he is none of the qualifiers that have been use by Iago. We discover at this time a trustworthy gentlemen devoted to his country and ready to die for it. When he appears and is confronted to his father in law and the political leaders, we find in him someone that is not afraid and that speaks boldly with confidence. He is honest and the political leaders seemed to know him very well and trust him. This situation makes the reader in Othello side if he was on Iago's at the beginning. However, when Othello is send to defend his country against the Turks, Iago set up an evil plan to destroy him. We see throughout the play that Iago is the total opposite of Othello and despite this evident fact, Othello seem to not see that Iago is as such as the reader sees it. It makes the audience feel sorry for the Hero and hope that th