After reading the "Rules of Courtly Love," I believe many of these principles still apply. One rule that got my attention was number two which states, "He who is not jealous cannot love." I believe jealousy is very common in modern day relationships, whether it's talking to or about another person your partner may be jealous of for certain reasons. If someone doesn't get jealous over their lover flirting with another person then it may seem they don't care for their partner, in my opinion. Number 6 which states, "Boys do not love until they arrive at the age of maturity. According to this article I found, "Courtly Love's Effect on Modern Romance the author states, "The age of consent in the 12th Century was 12 for girls and 14 for boys. If boys in that time didn't really love until they turned 14, what constitutes maturity for a boy or man in the 21st Century? (Murray) In today's society kids are maturing faster and earlier, similar to the 12th century. Kids may not be becoming fully mature at these young ages but due to music, tv and social media I believe they are becoming sexually mature at these young ages. I don't believe maturity comes with a certain age as the rule states, but I do believe starts at a very young age. One more rule that I found similar to the 21st century was number 13, "When made public love rarely endures." I instantly think of celebrities, how their whole lives are public and you always hear about them breaking up or getting divorced. I read an article about divorce rates among celebrities and I found, "According to the International Business Times, celebrities' marriages have 35 percent success rate" (Glinow) The rules of courtly love were realistic in medieval times because marriages were arranged and did not have much to do with passion but with procreation. The Christian church believed, "Husbands and wives were supposed to love each other calmly, having sex to procreate and prevent fornic