
Wind Energy - Iowa's Renewable Energy Source

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Wind energy is a renewable energy source that is clean and remarkably growing fast globally. Wind power is considered cheaper than other non-renewable fuels. In America, Iowa ranks second in wind generated electricity production after Texas. The main objective of the Iowa wind energy project was to establish maximum penetration of transmission system in the state. According to American wind Energy Association, “Iowa has 1273 MW of installed wind capacity, ranking behind Texas,California and Minnesota, as the fourth largest producer of wind energy in the country” (Vittal 9). It has more than 25,000 wind turbines financed by the Alternative Energy Revolving Loan Program (AERLP). The Iowa wind farm is an effort by the federal government to meet the energy needs of the public with reliable and clean electricity. The potential of Iowa to produce electricity through wind power is estimated at up to 4.8 times its annual consumption. Wind energy in Iowa has an equal number of pros and cons. This paper will provide arguments for and against wind power generation in Iowa. Environmental degradation is an issue that has elicited sustainability debate globally as the environment continues to be pressurized hugely as a result of increased industrialization and urbanization. Intensive methods of agriculture where chemical fertilizers and insecticides have been used have posed a great danger to the environment. Some animal species have also been extinct due to human activities that harm the ecosystem. Today, the weather patterns and raising levels of the oceans have changed causing worry to scientists. The impact of human activities on the environment is a great threat to human survival with the only solution being sustainability where a sound environment is achieved for future generations. The first advantage of using wind energy is that it is renewable. This means that the supply of wind energy will not be exhausted no matter the consumption. The wind energy capacity in Iowa is expected to increase with the building of 1050 megawatts of new turbines by the year 2015. This is after the approval of a proposal amounting $1.9billion from MidAmerican energy by the Iowa utilities board. Wind energy is beneficial to the state in terms of revenue and jobs. Current reports shows that more than 80,000 people are employed in the wind industry. The construction of new turbines is estimated to create more than 460 jobs and a payroll of approximately $30 million over two years. After the completion of turbines 48 permanent green jobs will be supported in addition to a payroll

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