"To Kill a Mockingbird" is set in 1930's Maycomb, Alabama. Harper Lee wrote this literary classic in 1960, using the Scottsboro Boys Trial of 1931 to 1937 as inspiration. This trial accused twelve Negro men, which Tom Robinson represents in the book, of raping a woman that is considered white trash [Mayella Ewell]. At the beginning of the novel, Harper Lee introduces a white lawyer, Atticus Finch, who is all about equality and angel-like moral. Atticus hears about the Tom Robinson Trial, and takes matters into his own hands to defend the Negro Man to promote equality for all men, and to prove Tom Robinson innocent. At the end of the trial, Atticus's closing statement consists of him saying, "Our courts are the great levelers, and in our courts all men are created equal. Atticus' statement is incorrect because the court of law is not equal to every man based on the facts of the extreme racist United States from the 1800's to the 1900's, the present day corruption in the court system, the story "Twelve Angry Men," and in Harper Lee's "To Kill A Mockingbird" that shows prejudice stems from the naive opinions people develop in order to establish a sense of superiority. In the days past, dating back from the 1800's, the court of law was extremely unequal towards all men. From slavery up until 1865, when the 13th Amendment abolished slavery, the court of law was at its highest form of being unequal and prejudice towards different types of men. The most commonly known is the United States being prejudice towards Negroes. Since most coloreds were ignorant most Americans thought it was easy to take them over, and become "The Slave Master. When Negroes would go against the laws of others, they were beaten or killed but when a man not of color went against the laws of others, they were proven innocent in the court of law. All slaves lived in grueling existence, "They worked long days and often suffered whippings and beatings" (Spielvogel 498). They suffered these whippings for prejudice reasons. Slaves could never do anything right, they were always in the wrong and received unbearable consequences, as expressed in the quote, daily. Even-though slavery ended in 1865, the US was still a prejudiced society. In many ways coloreds were treated unequally in the court of the law. At this time, people still saw African Americans as not having any rights and not