Organizing a party requires a lot of planning and a little creativity. Your party could be an event to remember or the party you forget as soon as you leave, or a huge disaster. I have always enjoyed having parties in my home; whether it's a child's party, an adult party, a holiday party or a Bar-B-Q. According to Elena Williams of successful party there are three main areas to make it a success, and over the years I have realize that these three areas are crucial to having an unforgettable party: creating a relaxing atmosphere, tons of things to do (activities), and a lot of great food. When creating a relaxing atmosphere, there are many ways to achieve this. One way is by inviting guests that are compatible. Another way to deliver a relaxing atmosphere is to make sure that guests have something in common. Pleasant conversation is always a must, also depending on the particular occasion, it is also possible to add decorations such as hats and horns at a birthday party or ghosts and costumes at a Halloween party. You can also add music that appeals to the crowd. If you can create an atmosphere that is both welcoming and relaxing, your party is off to a good start. I find my favorite part of the party is the food. I love to cook but one of the easiest types of food preparation for a party is the buffet. A preparation featuring a table laden with plenty of food, laid out so that the guests can walk around the table from both sides and fill their plates. I usually set up a simple buffet with turkey, ham, roast beef slices, and cheese. A toss salad, potato and macaroni salad; along with many different cakes and cookies for dessert. I find that when I use a buffet for my gatherings it eliminates the process of cooking. It is easier to serve to the guest and they can eat as much as they like. It is definitely much easier to clean up. Coffee and tea or soft drinks are the common beverages that are served with a buffet. I can als