
Improving Organizational Performance

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This paper evaluates the low job satisfaction can be raised to better job satisfaction by taking time with what was discovered during the simulation of the Airdevils. The owner Casey was concerned when her numbers were staying low and her employees’ job satisfaction was low. Mrs. Casey felt that at first it was because of how many new people were at Airdevils however after taking surveys, reading blogs, and listening to the staff a little closer we are learning just why there is low job satisfaction. We will address the different scenarios and what each one thought of what is right and what is wrong. “Job satisfaction is, without a doubt, one of the most heavily studied topics in organizational psychology” (Jex & Britt, 2008). The Situation Break Down The first situation what is causing low job satisfaction with the Airdevils employees? Analyzing the survey findings, blogs, job profiles, and taking into consideration what the Chief Executive officer of DreamWorks stated I chose “I can't do what I joined this for; the stunts are routine and don't excite me much. Moreover my suggestion don't find any takers” for the reason of low job satisfaction. At first glance, the survey appears to show that pay and promotion is the cause of low job satisfaction, however after applying the advice of the Chief Executive Officer from the University of Phoenix simulation (2005), stated that the overall satisfaction scores can be misleading and it is very common that the pay and promotion scores are low. With this knowledge, the survey showed that work was the third lowest score for the stunt group this was in alignment with the feelings that the stunt group had for not being able to do challenging stunts. The results from the low job satisfaction stated that “I was correct in determining that the most plausible psychologist cause for low job satisfaction among the Airdevils stunt performers was related to the routine nature of their work” (University of Phoenix, 2005). The second situation was to implement an intervention plan that would assist the Air Devil organization to appear more flexible and address the psychological concerns of the Airdevils stunt performers. The organization budget for the Intervention plan was $150,000 for Dreamworks. Being mindful of the budget, we will stay below the cost and get the best results for the Airdevils organization. We chose: training in other stunts for $49,400, so that the performers would be allowed to broaden their horizons with other areas of stunts, Improve Job Design for, $45,600, so that each person knows what is expected of them and there is no overlapping of roles and responsibilities this will decrease others feeling obligated to do others responsibilities, Allo

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