
Social Network Sites - The Road to Anxiety

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In 1969, CompuServe became the first commercial internet service provider for the public in the United States. Using a technology known as dial-up, it dominated the field through the 1980's and remained a household name through the mid 1990’s. The year 1971 brought on the use of electronic mail when the first email was delivered. In 1985 AOL, better known as America Online, hit the ground running connecting 400,000 plus virtual users. In 1995 Newsweek headlines read “The Internet? Bah! Hype alert: Why cyberspace isn't and will never be nirvana." (qtd in The Brief History of Social Media). By 1997 the internet had one million sites including instant messenger which allowed people to chat and a site called where users could create profiles and list friends; this was the beginning of social media. By 2002 sites like AOL had grown to 34 million users while web pages alone grew to over 3 billion sites. In 2007 Facebook was born as a community for college students. In six years, Facebook transformed into a social media forum totaling 1.11 billion users. Prior to the evolution of social networking, social interactions were generally limited to individual’s immediate environment. With technological developments social anxiety grew at a relational pace. There are beneficial and non beneficial elements to social network sites (SNS). One example would be, (SNS) users the ability to break the ice in establishing relationships yet they subsequently create limitations of face-to-face interaction. In his article “Social Anxiety in the Age of Social Networks,” Guillermo Farfan identifies the benefits and disadvantages faced by the socially anxious within social networking. Farfan looks at different types of users and how they utilize SNS. Within his research, Farfan indicates one benefit of SNS is that it provides socially anxious users the opportunity to establish relationships in the comforts of their own surroundings. When socially anxious individuals feel comfortable they are able to step outside of their anxiety and establish interactions with ease. Social network sites have the ability to act as a “social lubricant” which helps people who struggle with real life relationships, initiate and establish social interactions with others” (qtd in Farfan). SNS have changed drastically in the past decade. Users used to be limited to simplistic chat messages similar to a text; now anyone can create elaborate profiles including pictures and intimate details about day to day life or personal accomplishments. These representations people promote often derive from exaggerated truths in order to portray an idealized false self representation. Social media’s portrayals of body size, beauty image and fashion are spinning society into a cycle of attempting to achieve unrealistic goals of perso

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