In 1988, Jack Weatherford published "Indian Givers," with the intent of educating people on the History of the Natives in North and South America. The legacy of the Natives is pertinent to numerous students. However, many people marginalize their achievements as insignificant and uninformative. Weatherford, in his book, argues that Indians are enlightened beings. He proves that without the influence of the natives early immigrants would have perished. He claims the world needs history books that do not focus on stereotypes. Indeed, a history book should relay the tale of the people without bias or external influences. Through an analysis of the first three chapters of his text, this paper will go through a rhetorical analysis of the text. It will show that Weatherford makes his statements following the rhetorical conventions of using pathos, logos, and ethos. The context of the book is important for three reasons. First, the natives helped with the creation of the modern world. Weatherford (10) notes, they were involved in the domestication of animals, which are now also supported by the Americans. They also worked on farms and mines to provide the Europeans with gold. This gold was used in the beautification of churches in Europe, and they are present until today. Second, the author has carried out a research for over two years. In addition, it has taken him seven years to write and publish the book. This shows his admiration and love for the Indian community. He wants to ensure he presents credible information, which is supported by proper sources. His audience comprises of the Natives, American history students, and history admirers. As an audience member of this book I feel it's difficult to read in its entirety. It could easily be adapted in a regular public classroom setting by assigning different groups different chapters. The writing is very methodical; in order for it to be ingested and digested, it might therefore be better to have a complete knowledge of a small part of the book, and then each group could share the different chapters orally. Thirdly, although the author took his time to collect credible sources for his book, it was not easy for him to publish his record. He faced a lot of controversies from other historical writers. Consequently, he had to pr