
Reality and Illusion in William Shakespeare's The Tempest

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In William Shakespeare's "The Tempest," the line between the realm of reality and illusion is blurred by Prospero, who through the use of his magic, is able to manipulate and control both the island and those who are stranded on it. The duality between illusion and reality, the contrast between the natural and unnatural are being represented and questioned by Prospero's magic. Throughout the play, Shakespeare is stating that illusions can distort reality, but in the end reality will always makes itself apparent. Prospero orchestrates the events of the play with ease, his magic giving him the power to manipulate the characters and environment around him. This almost omniscient power that is presented pushes the audience to question what is real and what is not. Because the audience is not directed involved with the play's plot, they cannot be strung along by Prospero's magic, allowing for objective viewings of what is actually occurring. These contrasting perceptions can be applied to the characters in the play as well; What are mere illusions to Prospero is reality for everyone else on the island. The first demonstration of Prospero's powerful illusions occurs during the very first scene of the play. The huge storm and the ensuing shipwreck is our first introduction to the world of the play and as we later find out the first part of Prospero's elaborate plan. The tempest that begins the play engulfs the ship and leaves its occupants throughout the island, each believing that they were the only survivors. Prospero manipulated the reality of the situation, leaving the survivors unaware that they were never in danger the entire time. The presence of Prospero's magic establishes a dichotomy between this play's world compared to Shakespeare's other works, Neil H. Wright embellishes further stating "it is the world of illusion that is the established order, not the ordinary world of experience" (Wright 244). This lack of experience that a majority of the other characters are confronted with is what allows Prospero to operate freely among the island. In regard to the secondary characters, Wright explains "...confronted with circumstances and events that descend upon them from a higher world about which they know little or nothing" (244). The key figures in Prospero's plan are the group of nobles who were on the ship, Alonso's entourage. Most of Prospero's trickery is aimed towards them, with just intent. Prospero's control of the scene is put on display with these characters, as Wright explains furthe

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