Native American religions are comprised of various spiritual practices depending on the heritage of the different tribes, Creek, Cherokee, etc. Most of the traditional beliefs were passed down by different forms of spoken stories, values and experiences. Christianity as we know it can vary from different cultures. Native American's have Christianity as well as dream dances, rain dances, drum religions and many more. All of which have different meanings of significance to them and their cultures. They along the way of the journeys have had to fight for the right to teach their children, their own languages, the customs and dejectedly their very own heritage. Healing and ritual medicines were and still are a huge part of the cultures. Native American doesn't rely on drugs that were created in a lab to heal their sick. Don't they believe that ailment is the result of something scientific, but believe that the ailment was caused by society. With the cause of the ailment being from society, they rely on society to heal that individual. Indian art was in the form of depictions on rocks. These forms of art were limited in the Southwest and California, area in which they were forced to migrate into back in the 1800's. Over the years, these rock drawing did not differ much in contrast or for that matter meaning or style. They did include the color red, which had no substantial meaning at the time. The Thunderbird and the Panther became staples for the various designs and symbols of the culture. As the years went by, these forms or arts continued to be uniform but the places in which these arts were showing up, grew to be much more different. They ranged from paintings on rawhide, in the form of clothing, even quill boxes. In the 19the century, Thunderbird, the by then depiction of Native Americans, was replaced completely. With today's Native Americans, some of the traditional beliefs and system as being preserved by the upcoming new generati