Akiane Kramarik is an international child prodigy who is recognized for her realist art and poetry. Although she is still young, her masterpieces involve maturity and complexity beyond her 17 years. She is an inspiration to many; overcoming obstacles of poverty, religious conflicts, and worldly skeptics. She has appeared on numerous documentaries and television shows. Akiane has been drawing since the age of 4 using her talents to share her love for god and people around the world. She is considered the most successful living visual art child prodigy in the world. Her famed masterpieces sell for hundreds of thousands of dollars. Akiane is also the best selling author of two books about her life: "Akiane - Her Life, Her Art, Her Poetry" and " My Dream is Bigger Than I - Memories of Tomorrow." This young artist was born on July 9, 1994 in Mount Morris, Missouri. She was born to an atheist Lithuanian homemaker mother and an American father who was a chef and dietary manager. Akiane has 4 brothers, Delfini 18, Jean Lu 16, Ilia 8, and Aurelius 2. She and her family have lived in numerous states including: Illinois, Missouri, Colorado, and Idaho. The kids are now home schooled, but they have attended both public and private schools in the past. Akiane, herself, can speak four languages, Lithuanian, Russian, English, and Sign Language. At age 4 she underwent a spiritual transformation and eventually brought her family to God. Through her works, she hopes to share God and her love for god and people. Akiane grew up in a very poor environment. The little shack she was born in was on the outskirts of a cornfield. The place was a sore sight with its walls and flooring; cracked, moldy, and splattered with paint. Although poor, the Kramariks were content to live life happily in their small shack. Outside their home; however, was a different story. The neighbouring area was dangerous and safety was scarce. Their neighbours once tried to shoot their