Augustus Caesar the first Emperor of the roman world brought on and kept the Pax Romana, the long period of stability and peace that helped flourish the arts and agriculture. Augustus used his titles, honours such as his building and military programs, images, literature and propaganda to manipulate his image in the eyes of the public. Emperor Augustus Caesar in the period known as the "Golden Age," used his titles decreed by the senate, to support his honours and images which show his honourable achievements in a positive light. These then go to legitimize Augustus' position as the "first man of the Roman world. Augustus Caesar was known as being the first man of Rome, whether this is for him being the first emperor, where the power lies irrevocably in one man's hands or is due to his numerous achievements. Augustus had courageous military support, the support of the wealthy and of the plebeian, this meant that unlike Julius Caesar, Augustus benefited everyone; he was a religious leader, thought to be the son of a god. Augustus had the support of the senate who dubbed him with many titles that helped support his known place as the first man. Augustus himself gained his name from Octavian to Augustus, through giving up his power, this title meant "revered one" which showed how the public viewed him with respect, awe and devotion. He boasted about this title and claimed that this was awarded to him for his "courage, Clemency, Justice and piety . (Source 15) Augustus also brought on the term principate, where one man would rule, this man would be known as the princeps. Augustus was given this title, short for Princeps Civitatis which meant first citizen this relates to his title as the first man, as if you weren't a citizen you held no power. This title did not give Augustus power but implied and advertised his supreme authority; this to the public would express how Augustus must be a great leader for the senate to put him solely in charge. Augustus was cautious as to not offend any traditions or cultures, and so he refused the title Pontifex Maximus which was Head of religion and priesthoods, until Lepidus died. This would have been seen as respectful and courteous, when Augustus was merely shaping his path and preventing the gaining of any enemies. Pater Patriae which stood for "father of his country" was another title he was rewarded, Augustus saw this as the highest ambition knowing that this would give him support of all citizens. There have been many titles that he was awarded with, each supporting the claim for him being the first man of Rome, while he would refuse tactically to try a