The 1905 revolution was the first time the Tsar had to face open opposition from most social classes, involving all type of disturbances and revolts. After the outbreak of the failed revolution the Tsar managed to stay in power, this essay will examine the main reasons for this unexpected event considering the crucial factors to it. The Tsarist regime primarily gained support by some of the social classes involved in the opposition, by granting middle class the October manifesto which established fundamental civil and political rights and set up an elected parliament the Duma that would have to agree all future laws. This manifesto split the liberals and socialists, and the liberals felt they had got what they wanted urging to support the Tsar. Middle class also feared the continuation of violence and disorder, they wanted things to go back to normal conditions and the revolution to reach and end. To buy off the peasants there was a declaration that payment of redemption dues ended. With these two off the army and police could focus on workers of urban places and towns. It is crucial now to mention the loyalty of the army to the Tsar despite mutinies, unlike the navy. The army’s loyalty was one of the most important factors affecting how the Tsar remained in power. Once the army received payments and changes to conditions of service they would support the Tsar and were employed in restoring order, for example they fought running battles with workers in Moscow who had occupied factories, and stopped revolts in countrysides and cities. The strikes, revolts and opposition yet did not work properly for its purpose. All the social groups opposing the Tsar did not combine to make an efficient and coordinated opposition. This is due that each group had its own set of grievances and separate set of demands. Not only social groups but also other national entities and groups, angry because of Russification did not produce a unified program for