I've always been told that I was going to be a failure and nothing but a big disappointment. However, I didn't let the negative comments keep me from succeeding. Graduation night was one of the happiest moment of my life. At that moment, I proved myself to everyone who was against me. I see myself as an overcomer and a determined young lady, whose plans are to succeed. All worldly things put aside, I'm not religious, but I believe that there is a God. I think that not only has my relationship with Christ has become better, but my mind, heart, and soul is stronger. I am an outgoing, outspoken, and a curious person. If I have a question I will not hesitate to ask. Around my friends, I'm the sarcastic, yet serious person that cheers everybody up. I just try to take all the hostile situations and turn them into laughable moments. Maintaining my physical, mental, and emotional well-being, are key parts to how I see myself. So I make time for them equally throughout my day. I work out everyday, twice a day, with my friend, Char, so my physical well-being is improving. I go to God for my mental and emotional well-being, because I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I'm very opened minded, so the things I'm interested in have no limits. Some of the basic things I enjoy doing are singing, laughing, reading, and I love outdoors activities. My talents vary I'm a great listener, observer, and very comprehensive. How I present myself and act around people is very important to me. I exercise my manners by being respectful and considerate. I trust everyone until you give me a reason to do otherwise. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion. I learned a long time ago that no matter what you do, people are going to always have something negative to say about you. I think other people see me as a hilarious, friendly, and very blunt person who has goals set to achieve. My ideal self consists of God completely taking over my life, and s