
Criminology - Questions and Answers

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Assignment Explain why Karl Marx (and other Marxists as well believe capitalism either causes or encourages crime. Response Capitalism in a country allows for the industry and economics of the country to be controlled by private owners. Karl Marx theorized that capitalism would produce large numbers of demoralized unemployed people who will often turn to crime. In a society where it is important to have some type of wealth, it will often drive people to commit acts that they would normally not participate in. Whenever strain is placed on a person, they may look to find a solution that may not be accepted, but will provide a solution to their problem. A mother of five kids who is unemployed is more likely to steal or shoplift to provide for her children because of the strain that has been placed on her. Another Marxist theorist by the name of Willem Bonger theorized that capitalism encourages people to be selfish and greedy. In a capitalist society control is placed in the most economic and powerful persons. They then set forth the rules and are allowed to control the entire population. Much of theory tries to explain why some acts are criminalized and other acts may not be criminalized. Crimes of the powerful against the powerless are often under prosecuted or not considered crimes. In most societies the more money you have the less likely you are to receive harsh if any punishment for an act that you have done. During the eras of nobility, most actions taken against the poor were not criminal at all but a right of nobility and higher class. Often a simple fine could be payed, and the act went away. For poor class and working class individuals, the punishment was usually harsh. When a person reaches the end of their rope in many cases, they have to find a way to make something for themselves. Assignment Explain postmodernism and how it has been applied to criminology. Response Postmodernism is the move from the focus of social and economic studies, towards the crime and criminal law. Many laws that are set forth as discussed by Marxist

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