
Caregiver Substance Abuse - Challenge and Change

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Caregiver substance abuse has been an epidemic facing society worldwide. Simply stated "caregivers who experience social and emotional burdens, related to caregiving are at risk for problematic alcohol use." 1 "Alcohol use, particularly alcohol use that meets criteria for abuse or dependency, is a cause for concern among caregivers, as both their health and the health of their care recipient are at risk, particularly if they are responsible for assisting their care recipient with activities of daily living." 2 Due to its individual and societal impact, it is a topic affiliated with many issues, aspects, and viewpoints. The controversies and perspectives regarding caregiver substance abuse are based on the psychological and social factors that affect individuals, families and society. Substance abuse affects the caregivers' physical ability to carry out their daily duties. "20 percent to 40 percent of urban hospital patients have illnesses, such as liver disease or heart disease, which is the direct result of alcohol  abuse. By this criteria alone alcohol is a major health problem." 3 Alcohol can cause severe damage to the kidneys and liver because of its acidic properties. These harmful effects can lead to cancer. Cancer not only deteriorates the body, but lowers ones efficiency to do work. A caregiver requires a large amount of energy to watch over children however alcohol abuse interferes with their physical ability to carry out their duties. The physical incapability of a caregiver, emotionally affects one's family. "More than 25 percent of children under age 18 live in a household with one or more family members who misuse alcohol." 4 A child's self-image can be damaged when witnessing a parent with an alcohol addiction, which can cause the child to believe that they are not good enough. The child can either repeat these poor parenting behaviours or grow up to be victims of substance abuse in their future relationships. If emotional abuse is severe, the child can experience depression, neuroses, or trauma. The physical incapability of a caregiver, financially affects society. "A recent study combining the economic cost of drug and alcohol  abuse  estimated that the combined costs were almost $250 billion to nearly $1,000 for every man and woman." 5 This significant cost demonstrates its demand in society. Alcohol abuse increases healthcare costs, number of vehicle accidents as well unemployment rates. As long as there is a demand for alcohol, production as well as misuse of it will continue to occur and possibly increase at a detrimental rate. The physical incapability of a caregiver not only affects the individual but society as a whole. Substance abuse can cause the caregiver to feel more like a victim than the helper. "Many of these informal caregivers experience considerable stress and are at higher risk for poorer mental and physical well-being than non caregivers." 6 The role of a caregiver often comes with a large amount of stress. The stress that one is faced with may lead them to misuse drugs as well as alcohol, which can lead to a various number of mental illnesses. Informal caregivers who do not have support from family or friends may begin to feel more like a victim than the helper. They begin to cope with illnesses of their own which reduces their capability of taking care of another. Substance abuse victimizes the caregiver as well as their family. "When a family member abuses substances, the effect on the family may differ according to family structure." 7 Caring for another is a large responsibility and caregivers deal with this stress in a variety of ways. The family is made a victim, for those who misuse alcohol. The family may feel unable to provide proper support or care for the caregiver, thus affecting the one who is being taken care. The victimization of the family can have short or long term physical as well as emotional effects. Substance abuse victimizes the caregiver, their family and in turn society. "Int

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