On June 21, 1999, a new baby was born at North Shore Hospital. Well, I am sure a lot of babies were born that day, but I am talking about the baby that was born at 4:37 a.m. Andie Brooke Shapiro was the name that my mom, Pam, and my dad, Larry gave to me. Two years later, they had the pleasure of adding another member to my family. One chaotic child wasn't enough for them, so on July 25, 2001, they had my brother Alex. From the ages 1-5 we lived in Livingston, New Jersey, but my parents decided that we were moving. Hello Coman Hill! All of the kids knew each other for the most part from Pre-K, but i made friends pretty easily. As years and years went by, my brother and I got older and more mature. Well, not really my brother because he still acts babyish. Anyway, our most recent vacation was to Nicaragua. We saw monkeys swinging on trees and all sorts of wildlife. Some parts of the trip were gross and full of bugs, but overall it was a pretty cool trip. As a kid, I used to play every sport under the sun. You named it and I played it. But as years starting to pass, I decided I was going to commit to one sport. Tennis. I became dedicated and knew this was the sport I wanted to focus on. As an eighth grader, I was on the Varsity team for the school, which makes this my third year on the team. Every year I live 10 months for 2. In case you don't know what I am saying, it means that I wait 10 months in Armonk to go to my favorite place on earth for only 2 months. Camp Starlight is my special place. I have way over 500 words that describe what camp means to me. There is one word though that can sum up how I feel about camp. Home. That is what camp is and it is why I wait 10 long months every year. I remember four years ago I came home from a soccer practice with a surprise waiting for me at my house. It wasn't wrapped in wrapping paper, it wasn't an object, and it didn't have a bow sitting on the box. It was running around my front yard and