1. The protagonist in Ernest Hemingway's "A Farewell to Arms," is a lieutenant named Frederick Henry. He is an Italian soldier from America who drives an ambulance. Henry does not expect any praise for his time in the army. Rinaldi wants Henry to get the medals of distinction, but Henry disagrees. In his fondness for Catherine, Henry reveals a venerability usually hidden by his stoicism the masculinity. The quality of the language that Henry uses to describe Catherine's hair and her presence in bed testifies to the genuine depth of his feeling for her. 2. The conflict in this book is that love and war are a dangerous combination. When Catherine and Frederick meet, she falls in love instantly, but he thinks that love is the last thing that he needs. Anybody can die at any moment, but in the middle of a war, death seems more real and possible. He tries to deal with both but it is hard, so he leaves the war. 3. A conflict in this story is between Frederick and alcohol. Frederick is a heavy drinker and that causes many problems. An example of that is when Miss Van Campen finds all of his empty liquor bottles and as a result he gets his leave taken away. He also was sickened by jaundice caused by the liquor. This is an internal conflict. 4. Another conflict in this book is a love as true as Henry and Catherine's cannot survive. It seems like they are always being pulled away from each other. They do have some happy/romantic moments, such as when Henry wan in the hospital or when they were in Switzerland. Somehow all of their good moments end with tragedy, such as Henry going back to the front and Catherine's son dying. Sadly this problem was not resolved. 5. The climax in the story is when Henry gets captured and is about executed by the battle police. After, Henry decides to leave the army, which is the falling action. When he gets captured you are on the edge of your seat. The rising action is the last few romantic days he has with Cat