A lot of people today take dietary supplements as a quick way of supplying the body with nutritional requirements. Dietitians now recommend that people should use dietary supplements on a regular basis as the best approach to promoting a healthy lifestyle. Recently some surveys show that the health professionals do not only advise people to use these supplements. As result a lot of professionals trainer use the supplement as a part of them daily life. The results from the survey show that big percentage of the professional who responded to the questions were female. The surveyed shows 74 % of dietitians were those who regularly used the supplements. Only few percentage of the dietitians indicated that they used dietary supplements on an occasional basis. The key reason for using the supplements was because of bone health, nutritional gaps and as a way to promote the general health wellness. Were 87% of the professionals indicated that supplements fill the nutritional gap that the usual foods do not fill. The conclusion of the survey was that dietary supplements are also as important as taking a healthy diet. In addition, the authors also argue that supplements are healthy and can be taken by anyone on a regular basis, and that show’s the important part of the human diet and replacing the needs of the lost vitamins. I disagree with the authors’ view that supplements should be part of our diet, because as recent research from Sizer and Whitney has shown that the normal food is an adequate supplier of these vitamins. In my opinion, using supplements is not a healthy way of living. Most of the supplements get the natural label for purposes of advertising. However, 90% of them are known to be synthetics. New evidence now proves that these vitamins are likely to do more harm than be beneficial. According to Sizer and Whitney, the people who take the supplements are mostly those who are healthy people (280). These are people who are well