Have you ever thought about what you are going to do in the future? What job will you take? Are you going to take this job just because of the money or because this is what makes you happy? Before and even now, I certainly believed that taking on the right profession was fundamental to my happiness and welfare. If I could choose any job in the world, I would choose nursing. Becoming a nurse is a goal that I want to achieve in the future. Nursing is a great profession that will enable me to show compassion to people; it is a rewarding job; also, it makes me aware of my own health and my family’s health. ?I want to become a nurse because I love to show compassion to people. The ability to help or save other peoples’ lives is a great incentive for me. When I become a nurse, I know I will see people that are not always in their best condition, but being able to take care and help them recover their health is a reward to itself. I figure that I probably will not get often a ‘thank you’, but knowing and seeing that I make someone overcome his/her illnesses will enough satisfaction if I will know that it was my abilities and skills that made him/her recover. Nursing is a rewarding job because the salary is really substantial. I’m not just going to help other people and enjoy my career, but also have $66,000 salary that I’ve wanted. Imagine the feeling of getting my first paycheck! That must be really, really great. Also I want my parents to be proud of what I’ve achieved, and I can finally help them pay some of the bills. I grew up depending on them, and I don’t want to always depend on them anymore. This time, all I want to do is share them what I have earned. Becoming a nurse also keeps me aware of my own health and my family’s health. When I was a kid, I got pneumonia. I was really, really bad because I also have asthma, so I almost died of it. It was a nightmare for me! If someone in my family gets sick, I want to be the