I played baseball for the Limestone Rockets for several years. I started playing tee-ball at age 5 and played every single season up until my junior year in high school. I loved every minute of playing baseball; the blood, the sweat, and the tears I shed for the sport says it all. The best part about playing baseball for Limestone was that I was able to play with the same group of friends every single year. Right before we had varsity tryouts for baseball, my best friend, Andrew Chiaravalle, sat me down and had a serious talk with me about joining the tennis team with him. He said it would be a life changing experience and I would never look back and regret it. He even set me up to talk to the tennis coach without my knowledge, the coach really changed my mind on the sport. See, I always thought tennis was kind of a lame sport and I never once saw myself participating in the sport particularly because I was all about playing baseball. After having a serious talk about the sport with Andrew and my coach, Mr. Jordan, I began to think very hard day in and day out about if I wanted to stick with baseball or try something new in my life. After several days of thinking, sleepless nights, I came to the conclusion that I really wanted to play tennis for Limestone Community High School instead of playing baseball. From that moment on, my life changed completely, I was never one hundred percent into any other sport like I was with tennis. I played baseball for over ten years, basketball for 8 years, and football for two and I never felt the love for the game like I felt the love for tennis. I loved stepping on those courts in my Limestone blue tennis jersey every day. No other sport is one on one for several hours, giving it your all every single second just to try and defeat your opponent. Coming into tennis was a roller coaster, it was an something I've never once experienced before in my entire life. About ninety-five percent of my opponents