In the Bible, there are several leaders both male and female at different point in time with various qualities, characters and style depending on a number of factors like their traits, physical makeup, situation and purpose etc. Around 465-424 B.C arose a leader who passionately worked for the reconstruction of the wall of Jerusalem and her reformation after their exile into Babylon under the authority of a heathen king. He eventually became the governor and served for twelve years after the restoration. The name of the man is Nehemiah. Here, an attempt shall be made at looking briefly into the man “Nehemiah” while the emphasis shall be on his qualities as a leader as can be deduced in his history. The Man Nehemiah The man was named Nehemiah meaning “Yahweh comforts/ consoles” which signifies his comforting activities in his days. Genealogically, little was known about him except that he was the son of Hacaliah while one of his brothers probably an uncle is known as Hanani. He was a Jew who served as a cup-bearer to a Persian king, Artaxerxes I Longimanus (ruled 465–424 B.C.). He was probably born in Persia and lived in the capital city of the Persian Empire Susa, yet, with a keen love and passion for his native land Jerusalem in Judah. He was a contemporary of Ezra, the great scribe who also reformed the religion of the Judean (Andrew, 1991). His heart for Jerusalem prompted him to request for a leave of absence from the king when he heard of the ruin of his native land with a permission of authority necessary for the rebuilding of its burnt-down wall. He emerged as the governor and even the last of such sent from Persian court. Nehemiah's Qualities and Characteristics From the book of Nehemiah, the first character seen in him is his sensitivity and emotion. He was neither a hard-hearted man nor a care-free individual who is not sensitive to the situation around him. The moment he heard about the situation of his people and the state of his father’s land, he was sad so he started mourning for some days. All throughout the book appears his personality as being emotional. He could show his sadness over a situation. His anger is never hidden when necessary. The condition at hand prompts him into a necessary action as the situation demands (Adeyemo, 2006). His spiritual state is outstanding. He portrayed himself as a man of good standing with God through his total dependence on Him through his prayers from the beginning of his mission till the end even as he was looking forward for his reward. His good understanding of the scripture that showed in his prayer and actions in his administration also establish this fact (www.gotquestions). His sense of calling is glaring. He did not presume in anyway nor see himself as a victim of circumstance rather, he saw his position as the leader of his people as a divine calling so this helped him to administer in the same manner (Neh.2:8). He was a man of