
New Software - Company Leaders Training Plan

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Introduction To date, the plan to train the branch managers and CEO over a two day period on the new software is on point and near completion. The following memo provides more detail on how our management team will ensure that the plan is a success and handle any unexpected changes. Since there are several variables that are out of our control there are plans in place that will help us handle these changes if they arise. Analyzing and Reporting Unplanned Changes There are a couple possible changes that can occur before and/or during the training project. One of the trainees could become ill and not be able to attend the training session. If this does happen then the trainee that becomes ill must inform Hugh McBride and the training team as soon as possible. Another possible change could be a delay at an airport or other travel arrangements that could result in late arrival. The easiest way we have chosen to handle this possible change is to bring in the trainees the day before which should allow for enough time for delays. Any delays or changes to flights or other travel arrangements will be informed to the training team by a phone call from trainee affected. The trainer, Bob Tech could become ill and not be able to make the training session. In the event of this there is a secondary trainer available thru the same company. This change will also be made aware thru a phone call. Technical problems can cause changes and will reported as soon as possible by whatever means necessary, such as phone, fax, and email. Technical changes can range from hardware failure to software issues, the extent will be determined at the time of change and handled accordingly. Evaluating Project Quality The quality of the training will be determined by analyzing the questionnaire and feedback from the trainees at the end of the training. At the end of the training on day one we will take a few minutes to go over the impressions of the training so far and

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