Time management is one of the most important skills a person can have. There are many reasons why being on time is important - not just for those who live the military life, but for civilians, as well. Being late for anything is bad for any number of reasons but I will just give 3 simple reasons why being on time is what you should always strive for. One reason is being late for one thing can have a cascading effect and cause not only you but the people waiting on you to be late for things you are going to do later. Another reason you should not be late is you look bad as a soldier or a worker for being late. And a final reason that being late is bad is that sometimes being on time can be the difference between life or death. Any one of these reasons should be more than enough for why you should always strive your best to be on time. Not only is being late for anything bad if you are late for one thing it could put you behind any schedule that you had and make you late for every other thing that you need to do. If you have to travel any where and you are late to leave from your first place that could cause you not to have the ability to make it to where you are going on time. If you are late to make it to your next destination and you need to continue on to another place then you will also be late for your next destination. Just by being late to one thing can cause you to miss the schedule time for any number of things. Even if your plan gives you extra time just in case it is still a bad idea to be late for what if something else happens that causes you to be late? If you're late for something that you needed all the time you could to finish then you will also be late for the thing you are try to complete as well make you late for multiple things. So being late for one thing can cause you to be late for a number of things. Being late for anything makes you look not only in the military world but the civilian world as well. How can peo