
Elements of Religious Traditions

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Religious traditions of any form can be overwhelming to understand if one does not take the time to learn about what they are and what its traditions mean to it's adherents. This paper will focus on what the key issues in the study of religion is in general, as well as describe some of the basic elements found in any religion. For the purpose of this paper, the Mormon religion will be discussed along with some of the religions specific traditions. The study of religion can be a complicated study for a person who may not have any idea as to what religion is all about. For example, a person may believe that just because they attend church every Sunday, they understand what religion is all about. This, unfortunately is not the case, the study of religion entails the understanding of why a particular religion exists, as well as why a person might believe in it altogether. Religion is defined in the readings as “a system of belief that involves worship of a God or gods, prayer, ritual, and a moral code” (Molloy, 2010). According to this definition, anyone who practices religion should have a complete understanding of what religion is, again this is not the case. Having been raised a Mormon (unquestionably a controversial religion), there are certain traditions that the Mormon religion believes in, particularly, baptism for the dead. If one is unfamiliar with this religion or the traditions of this religion, then one cannot possibly understand the sacredness of this tradition. Baptism for the dead allows for those who have passed, to have a chance at receiving Eternal Life found in the Celestial Kingdom. This is a level that only the purest of spirits can receive, and the spirit must be willing to receive all three beings of the Godhead, God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. This is a tradition that is performed by members of the religion in the name of the deceased by proxy. This particular tradition teaches members of The Church of J

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