The choice of what college to attend is one of the largest questions faced by young adults entering the world past high school life. It is the deciding factor on their adult lifestyle, how much they will have to pay to attend, how far they will be away from home, and many other important factors. It can easily be seen why this issue is contemplated over so intensely and can be misinterpreted to be something it’s not. Both large public colleges and small private colleges have their advantages and disadvantages. The trick is to find the middle ground that adheres perfectly to your needs in a college. Whether you’re the fast-paced learner who likes to be a part of the crowd or a person who likes to concentrate on his work with personal guidance from the professor in a small class there is a college for you. Private colleges are usually more expensive to attend on account of their low student to teacher ratio and lack of federal aid. “Private colleges and universities function independently of any Federal or State funding” (GoCollege, 2012). This means that unlike public colleges, private colleges are not federally funded and rely solely on its students tuitions. It does, however, open doors to new possibilities that are out of reach for public colleges. For example, a public college is required by law to be open to any and all students with the necessary grades. A private college can restrict attendance to anybody it wants though. It can be a college for only males, a college affiliated with religion, or any number of restrictions. This allows the college to be focused on its students’ academic goals. The low tuition of a public college often attracts more people because of its cheapness, but as the old saying goes, you get what you pay for. The amount of students to each professor is vastly increased and limits the interaction between teachers and students. This isn't a problem for the students that can focus on a teacher without the extra aid and not fall behind, but for some it will cause them to slip and lose their grade. Also the courses offered at a public college are considered inadequate when compared to those of a private college. You don't have to pay as much for your education with a public college, but the education is not of the same caliber of that of a private college. Large public colleges, however, typically excel in the sports division. “If you want huge tailgate parties and packed stadiums, you'll want to be at a large university with Division I teams. The Division III games of a small school are often fun social outings, but the experience is entirely different. If you're interested in playing on a team but don't want to make a career of it, a small school may provide more low-stress opportunities” (Grove, 2012). If you want to make a career out of playing sports you will have to attend a large public college. The cost of college is often worried about, but people’s views on the colle