The English language does not only consist of standard American English. Within the English language, there are many dialects that form geographically or ethnically. Because of this, people subconsciously judge other people for “speaking differently from us, perhaps in a way that we can identify with a particular social group or geographical region” (Cruzan, 3rd edition, p.7). Not only is a person being judged by another person for their speech, but the person doing the speaking is also making the effort to speak a certain way because “we shape our identities and how others perceive us through our speech” (Cruzan, 3rd edition, p.6). The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the term prejudice as “an adverse opinion or leaning formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge." Judgments are formed simply based on speech, but the ones who are doing the judging do not seem to question the origins behind the dialect or the importance of the dialect in a cultural aspect. Among the non standard dialects of the English language are Chicano English (Fought, PBS, 2005), “a dialect spoken mainly by people of Mexican ethnic origin in California and the Southwest” (Fought, PBS, 2005). Chicano English has a long history that involves Spanish conquest and American integration. According to Javier San Roman of the Los Angeles Unified School District, “Chicano English is a product of two major relexification that took place in the history of Mexico over the past 500 years” (p.6). San Roman defines relexification as a linguistic mechanism “by which one language changes its lexicon to that of another language” (p.6). According to the textbook How English Works by Anne Cruzan and Michael Adams, lexicon is defined as “a collection of a language’s morphemes, whether in a speakers mind or in a book; the vocabulary of a language, broadly conceived” (2012, Glossary p. 500). The first lexicon change, “relexification”, occurred during the Spanish conquest of Mexico and the collapse and destruction of the Aztec Empire (San Roman, p.6). The indigenous people of Mexico had to learn Spanish at this tim