My name is Jim Morrison and as of March of 1933, I remained unemployed. Since the stock market crashed in New York City in October 1929, I have been trembling with fear by the fact that I am unable to find a job. I was born in Concord, North Carolina. I would not be surprised if you had not heard of this small town, it is so small that we do not even have a High School. Unemployed and uneducated, I often find myself frustrated by the fact that I have nothing to do. My parents work at Cannon Mills in order to pay the rent of our home. While they are gone I sit around or try to find a job in the area, and as of now I have been unsuccessful. I do not have any siblings therefore when my parents are gone for the day I get very lonely. Luckily I met a sweet girl that lives not to far away from here. Whenever I am frustrated by the economy and my inability to find a job I sit and write her long letters. I wish that I had an education because I wonder if that would help my incapability of finding a job. I am going to travel around outside of Concord and try to find a job somewhere else because I have no hope here. My only hope is that President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal saves our souls. During the game "What's the Deal?," my character was faced with several acts of fate that led him to bankruptcy for long periods of time. The only thing that saved him was the agencies created by the New Deal. He started with fifty dollars and survived the Great Depression having twenty dollars at the end. Whenever my character faced the long period of bankruptcy, he stayed positive by gaining a lot of hope points provided by the "What's the Deal?" cards, which often offered support for the unemployed. He started with three hope points and he had ended up with twelve at the end of the great Depression if it was not for one incident. My character in the last few rounds drew a card that said "Commit suicide, lose all hope points. After staying posi