Imagine that today is September 1, 1939 and Germany has just invaded Poland. This sparked the beginning of the Second World War. The world was only 21 years removed from World War one. World War One had caused instability in Europe and in that short 21 year period a lot had changed to lead up to this event. World War II was the most catastrophic event in the history of the world due to the multiple battles, deaths and the Holocaust as well. There were multiple battles going on in the six year period of the war. No one is going to forget the horrors of the Holocaust anytime soon. Each country suffered a significant death toll from this period of time. There were many battles in the war, some of great importance and of great loss. One was the Battle of Britain which involved fighter planes which have not been used in such a huge scale until World War II. During this battle Britain was able to hold off the Germans taking out 1,100 fighters “ 650" (historylearningsite). There was also the Battle of Stalingrad were the Soviet Union had a stand to protect the city. This battle lasted for over five months and despite the Soviets efforts most of the city had been destroyed during the battle. This was a bloody battle where 800,000-1,600,000 people died (randomhistory). The Soviets attempts to prolong this battle had worked. The reason that they had beat Germany and turned the war around in the east was due to the cold winter of Russia that weakened the German forces and allowed the Soviets to gain the advantage. D-day was a mass invasion of Europe that led to the defeat of the Axis powers (history). The Holocaust was by far the worst that has happened during the war. Behind closed doors, Hitler had come up with and initiated his plan which he called The Final Solution. This was the systematic massacre of the Jews and many other people seemed unfit to live in the eyes of Hitler. Today we refer this as the Holocaust. Over six million Jews were