"As You Like It" is one of Shakespeare’s most popular plays. This play is popularly known as comedy and romance play. The play tells about love story, actually there are eight characters which appear in the story. The main character is Orlando and Rosalind, and the other six characters also in love. The whole story focuses to these two main characters which already in love from the beginning. It’s really funny because at the end of the story all the characters married and got their mate. Rosalind decides to dress as a young man and she chooses the name Ganymede. In the play, no one recognize her true self as a girl. She can manipulate herself to be a boy. This play is written in Elizabethan’s age, which feminism had not appeared yet. The feminist literacy criticism of today is the direct product of the women’s movement of the 1960s (Barry, 1995:121). Even, feminism had not appeared yet, the mechanism of patriarchy which is the cultural mindset in men and women had been established since centuries ago. The women’s movement of the 1960s was not, of course, the start of feminism (Barry, 1995:121). Before feminism appeared, many feminist’s agents tried to get the equality of gender. In Elizabethan’s age, women have more freedom than before. There are also women who well educated such as Queen Elizabeth. In fact, an education was luxurious for most people. It’s just upper class people who can get well education. Even, women in Elizabethan’s age have more freedom, there’s still the condition of the domination of men in all aspect which put women below the men. It is no surprise that in Shakespeare's era in which young women are to be forced into arranged marriages and they should obey their husband and father. In this era, women can work in some literature work. By putting the female characters in the works of art was one of the attempts to reveal the truth about women. Women’s characters in Shakespeare’s work are always unique and interesting. Some of Shakespeare’s female characters are described with strong will of their own, strong characters such as, Juliet and Portia. Rosalind is one of Shakespeare's most appealing characters. She is favored with beauty, wit, youth, and depth of feeling. Rosalind is regarded as the ideal romantic heroine, she has strong character and she is warm and humanlike. In this play, she also dominated the stage. Rosalind as the main woman’s character in this play has the spirit of feminism because she is different from ordinary woman. She didn’t obey the men, and she is very active. She will disguise herself as a boy and she is acting like a boy. The play is not simply a comedy love story. Patriarchal system and gender stereotype lie in this play. Therefore, the perspective of feminism is needed in order to strengthen the women characters as a feminist agent. By analyzing As You Like It, people can understand more about the idea of feminism. In this play, at Shakespeare’s time still has patriarchal system which put women inferior to men. Gender stereotype as a part of feminism is really clear in As You Like It. If the reader understand the gender stereotype in the story, it can be easier to understand the idea of feminism in As You Like It. B. Problem Formulations 1. What are the characteristic of male and female characters in As You Like It? 2. How the act of the woman’s character reflected the idea of feminism? Theoretical Review Review of Related Studies As You Like It is comedy and romance story. The story don’t have serious plot but there are many wits in the story. The women’s characters in the play have strong personalities such as Rosalind and Celia. They are noble women and they should obey the Duke as the head of the family. They leave the court and go to the forest without permission from the Duke. The act of Rosalind to disguise herself as a boy also has important role in feminism. In Shakespeare’s era had not emerged the idea of feminism yet. However, there are many women who had been tried to struggle against the discrimination. Women have to stand in their own feet to get their freedom. This condition can be seen from the play Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare. Like Elisabeth Marsella’s thesis says, “The spirit of feminism has encouraged women to rebel against the patriarchal society which tends to discriminate women” (Marsella, 2010:06). Juliet has the important role of representing feminism. Juliet always takes an action to struggle against the society which oppressed women. She also commits suicide to keep her ideals, she prefers to die rather than follow what society wants. They do the last way, committing suicide, which is more dignified to hold their ideas than continuing their resist. How hard they try to show their ideas, people around them will not accept it because the patriarchy has been pinned into the people's mindset. The act which Juliet takes is represents how women struggle to get their freedom. The