
Class Speech on Social Media

21 Pages 784 Words 1557 Views

Hello! Today I am going to be talking about social media. I will be talking about two types of social media, including social bookmarking and social networking. Social Bookmarking is the sharing and storing of links across the internet on web sites. People use this type of social media to improve web searching, organize web pages for easy retrieval, tag pages from any networked computer, collaborate with each other, and some businesses and schools also use it as a way of sharing links between members. Some common features of social bookmarking are that you can choose whether you want to make you links private, public, or shared with specific people, you can add a description to the links that you share, you can organize your links with categories, and you can rate other peoples links. There are many sites for social bookmarking, some include: - Delicious -; which is a free Website that allows people to save, organize and discover interesting things on the Web. - Digg -; which is a place to share and discover content across the Web. - Reddit –; which is a place to see what is new and popular on the Web. Like everything, there are definitely some advantages and disadvantages. Some advantages are the accessibility, you get human interaction, it can affiliate sales, and search engine optimization. Some disadvantages are that you can have spam or hackers, corruption, and you may use an informal vocabulary which can cause problems in language. Social Networking is the use of internet-based social media programs to make connections with friends, family, customers, and clients. You can use social networking for keeping in touch with friends, connecting with customers, marketing, entertainment, and keeping in the know. Some common features of social networking are you can make a profile about yourself with your age, occupation, location, interests, etc. You can also updat

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