
Legalizing Marijuana - The Great Debate

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In America, there has been a growing trend of the legalization of marijuana. Whether it’s medical or recreational, Marijuana is on the rise! But just what is Marijuana? It’s the combination of shredded leaves, stems, flowers and flowers of the plant which contain several different chemicals. One of the most prominent chemicals in the plan is called THC. This chemical is responsible for the mind altering effects that user’s experience. The strength of the drug depend on potency of THC that is found in it. This potency has seen an increase since the 1970’s anywhere from two to seven times stronger ( For some this rise in strength of the drug can be worrisome because of possible health hazards. THC targets specific brain cells called cannabinoid receptors and these cells are normally activated by chemicals that are similar to THC. These chemicals are in part, responsible for normal brain development and even functioning of it. Cannabinoid receptors have the highest density in parts of the brain where it influences pleasure, thinking, memory, your sensory abilities, and even your time perception, according to When a user begins to smoke, marijuana over activates the part of your brain where many of the receptors are and it produces a high. The effects of a high can include changes in mood, difficulties thinking, and disrupted learning and memory ( Now these effects are short term and can pertain to any person that uses. Some of the more serious effects of marijuana can last years or even become permanent. Some of the physical downsides affect your mental health, heart and lungs. Cannabis smoke is an irritant to the lungs just as tobacco smoke is. For this reason some of the health issues tobacco smokers experience, marijuana users do too. These issues include daily coughing, the production of phlegm, chest illnesses occurring more frequently, and a heightened risk of lung infection ( Although there are health downsides, America sees a bright future for marijuana because of its medicinal uses. Citizens all over have called for the legalization of Marijuana, in particular for the use to treat specific conditions including AIDS, cancers, and other serious illnesses.

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