A problem that many teenagers encounter is procrastination, leading to many upsetting situations. I know many of us have had one of those times when there was an essay due a week from the day it was given and felt like there was nothing but time to start and everyday it was “I'll just start on it tomorrow” and that “tomorrow” turned into the night before. Then suddenly there becomes a state of panic along with pressure of an assignment that could have been started weeks ago and what could have possibly been exceptional turns into a paper that was written the night before and it most likely is not the best that could have been done. I had always had problems with procrastination and never did I ever think I would one day leave this unacceptable excuse behind. But fortunately certain situations that I came across became a huge problem in my schooling and then I came to a realization that procrastination has molded my moment of being. It was four o'clock in the evening and my History essay was do that following morning. I decided it was time to start on my six page essay, so I pulled out my laptop without even brainstorming or jotting down ideas to begin. I sat on my bed clueless as to what I should write. Thinking, if I would have started this paper the day it was given I wouldn't be sitting here staring at a computer screen panicking. I despised my friends, because they had done their paper ahead of time, and if I was smart I would've done the same. As I sat on my bed I begin to browse the internet. It seemed as if all the answers in the world were there that would help me. “Google is a great search engine,” I thought to myself. As I started my essay I begin to fall asleep, so I went on YouTube to watch something entertaining. Time flew by as I begin to enjoy myself forgetting all about my paper. Eventually it was two thirty in the morning, and I hadn't even wrote my name. I was really disappointed in myself, because I knew I could do better. I refuse to go to sleep, because I really needed to get this paper done. It was now five a.m. hours before school, and I had finally had an epiphany. I went back to the internet, and looked up some credible