Have you ever wondered if two people in love can stay together for life? In marriage, it is very common for husband and wife to vow to be with each other until one dies. However, there are studies that show that 8 out of 10 couples get divorced after the span of 1 to 20 years. This happened to my parents, they separated, this was when i was in the 8th grade leading to my first year of high school. I remember that day as if it was yesterday, a Wednesday afternoon. My sister Aixa and I had arrived home from school, as we strolled in through the front door we could smell the deliciousness of the ham and cheese sandwiches my grandma had ready for us. Later on, around 6 o'clock, I was doing my english homework when my mother got to the house. She was always very drowsy and tired, work left her like that, and so commonly she would sleep as soon as she got home. This would make my mad upset and so they soon enough stopped kissing, stopped hugging, stopped talking. My father had also arrived home around an hour later, he went into his bedroom where my mom was resting and they talked for hours, which was a first in those past few months. They called for us and we all sat in the living room with the big plasma television. "Mandy, Aixy...," he exclaimed, calling us by our nicknames. "We have decided to separate, you guys are already aware how much we dispute, it is not that we don't want to, but we don't have that spark anymore." By that time my sister had broken into tears, screaming. "Why? Why? Stay together for me! Please!" My mom put her hand up as a sign for her to be quiet as she replied. "I simply do not love him anymore." Everyone was quiet, the only sound was the couch creaking as I stood up and ran out the door. I thought I heard my parents call out to me, but I don't remember well. It was drizzling, and as I traversed through the cement I felt something cold stain my cheek, a tear, not a raindrop, but a tear. And soon came many