In the essay “Annie Smith Swept Here,” by Eric L. Wee, the author speaks highly of Annie for her patient, careful and responsible attitude at work. Firstly, Wee shows us Annie’s patience by detailedly describing her work as a housekeeper: "She starts with the kitchen and makes her way to the bedroom. Then she scrubs the tub. Then the toilet. Then the sink. Then she crouches down and polishes the bathroom floor as she inches her way out the door” (Wee 239-1). Besides, we can conclude that Annie is a cautious person from the words: “Before she steps out of the room, she makes sure each notepad is aligned with the right edge of the phone and the pen lies diagonally from left to right, with the Omni logo showing. The floral-scented conditioner and chamomile shampoo stand on the side of the toiletry basket nearest the shower. Each lampshade is straight, its seam in back and out of sight. And she’s folded the first tissue into a triangle” (241-27). Annie often accomplishes her job without any error. Also, Annie does her work to the guest’s satisfaction with high responsibility. According to the essay: "It’s a few minutes before 4 P.M. when she enters her last room. Two unmade beds lie tangled. She snaps open a fresh new sheet, gradually bringing order to chaos. Then as the hot water runs and she stands on her tiptoes to reach the far shower walls, the sweat from the strain and fever begins dripping down her face. By 4:20 P.M. the room smells like fresh snowflakes and lemon. She give it a final scan” (241-28). Annie completed her work efficiently even though she was badly sick, which deserves our praise and respect. From the essay, I learn that we have to take our job seriously with a positive attitude, and that is the reason why Annie becomes an outstanding housekeeper. Apparently, a positive attitude can help us maintain a high enthusiasm and responsibility on our job, and we are likely to win respect from our colleague