I am studying to become a teacher because I'm interested in teaching math; preferably to 8th, 9th and 10th grade students. In my junior year of high school, I realized that teaching math to young teens was what God intended for me to do. I hope to be a teacher who challenges his students and interact in a positive way with them to help them students to work well with them and pass them through the class. Being a math teacher is my dream. Towards the end of the first semester of my junior year, I had decided that I wanted to go to college to either be a math teacher or a band director. I wanted to be able to lead musicians in a marching band, but at the same time I also wanted to teach teens the subject in school that I am best at. After having Algebra III with Mrs. Gayla Saegert and learning how her teaching style was, I knew that I wanted to be a math teacher for sure and that I wanted to base my teaching styles off of how she taught. To be a great math teacher you have to be a challenge for your students. Being a challenge is what I believe makes better test and homework scores. Mrs. Saegert was a challenging teacher which made my scores great because of how I liked her style. Challenging students could also be represented by hard bonus questions or rewards for good grades. In Algebra III each student got a math card for getting a ninety percent or above on a test or if some special occasion came up. Giving the chance to get that reward challenged students to do well on test scores and get better grades and I hope to do the same with any students I have in the future. There is a saying that communication is key. That is exactly what it all comes down to when it comes to teaching class. Instead of being a teaching zombie that the class isn't interested in I would like to be one that communicates with the class and through the students on numerous occasions. I want to be the teacher that the students want to get involved in class dis