Media marketing as a platform is highly dominate in a changing technological world, as society grows toward technology, media marketing grapple as an influence becomes more and more evident. It is able to globalize people’s lives, and change cultural practices in countries still dowsed in tradition. In the modern age, media has the ability to transform dynamic elements such as social, cultural and political scenes. Media systems are not just an apparatus to deliver issues to people, but can be a transformational tool associated with cultural, economic, political occurrences in the globalized world. Due to the proliferation of neo-liberalism, media regulations are decreasing, allowing a public sphere to increase through new media platforms. One of the arising the arising trends in the modern world is that new media have acquired a powerful position as many people participate actively and are influenced by the public sphere. Also increasingly enabling a platform in which people of different democratic and social backgrounds to be involved in the same conversation, where both poor and rich share their ideals. A highly involved community within a public sphere allows the change of unjust policies in our society by highlighting the policies that affect each social background. So through a shared community of backgrounds, we are able to create a fairer society for all. Furthermore, as new media has become intertwined with the advertising industry, new consumer identities form due to the proliferation of popular brands and ideals, controlling social groups within society. This text will evidently provide readers on how new media has been involved with participation from people, powerful instruments of public sphere and association of the advertising industry. Participation in media, sharing with each other comments has been transformed to social and cultural evident customs across the world. This trend of participation is derived from one of social source of citizenship in democratic society, which has brought huge changes in people’s lives as well as involvements in political scenes. People are any longer passive viewer, but active engagement of public that they can express their various opinions and have a power impact on community. This can be available basically based on the reasonable environments of media systems, new media has given empowering people that provides them freedom to express themselves and “promote their interests” (22fff). New media largely allows people to be interested in social, cultural and political issues in that anyone who can access internet is able to get close to a various social topics promoted by a numerous internet site that is available on easily and conveniently. If new media is compared to the broadcasting culture, there can be discovered distinct differences among their systemically process in communication. The structure of old media composed of a small number of producers in elite group which shapes the public sphere of broadcasting. for example, before the emergence of internet model, people are largely influenced by newspapers and TV for broadcasting, which are usually owned by large corporations. This systems of broadcasting is highly hierarchical, making tucked in one stereotype and ideology. In this situation, democracy is highly ignored not to respect a variety of perception, knowledge to people. However, the new model of media structure creates a much interactive mode to comment, respond, and critique that is available on broad scale. This open atmosphere of discussion in digital network makes everyone into “active participants” rather than just a bystander (DIJCK 2009 P44). Furthermore, this wide-ranging scale of networks organisms creates more attention to interested groups from the eyes of the public. Howley mentioned in this issue that margined people such as the poor, children, and disabled people are promoted to express the