
The Mexican Student Movement of 1968

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The student movement of 1968 was a social movement in which in addition to students from the UNAM and the IPN, participate teachers, intellectuals, housewives, workers, and professionals in Mexico City and that was repressed on 2, October 1968 by the Mexican government in the massacre in the Plaza de las Tres Culturas in Tlatelolco. The crime was committed by the paramilitary group called Battalion Olympia and the Mexican army, against a peaceful demonstration organized by National Council of strike. As told by himself in 1969 and by Luis Echeverría Álvarez, responsible for the massacre was Gustavo Díaz Ordaz. Due to government action to claim to hide information, has not been able to clarify exactly the amount of official killed, wounded, missing and imprisoned. The official source reported at the time 20 deaths, but the current research deduced that the dead could reach several hundred and responsible directly to the Mexican State. Political scientists and historians agree that this movement and its terrible outcome incited a permanent more active and critical attitude of opposition and civil society, mainly at public universities, as well as to feed into the development of urban and rural guerrilla and gave rise to the period known as the Dirty War. The Special Prosecutor for the social and political movements of the past (FEMOSPP), includes the movement of the 68 in its report of February 2006 with respect to that period. Authors such as Fernand Braudel, Immanuel Wallerstein and Carlos Antonio Aguirre Rojas coincide in pointing out to the movement of Mexico insert in a context of planetary social struggles which have arisen and recreated in the universities then lived a period of economic boom for the postwar period, the first being Braudel termed the movement cultural revolution of 1968, characterized by always revolutionize for the three main recreation spaces of culture: the family, the media and the school. The Facts Background Students on truck burned down on July 28. The body of the grenadiers police is who dissolves to the peat, arresting several students and venturing inside the facilities of the vocations. Between the 26 to 29 July 1968, several schools fall in a work stoppage, the Grenadiers and the army come to several schools, including High School 1 in San Ildefonso, where he was destroye

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