
God, Philosophy and the Problem of Evil

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Does the reality from evil prove that God does not exist? God’s existence is known as the all powerful and a morally good being. However, evil still prevails throughout the world. Does this mean that this holy all powerful and good being does not exist? This argument for or against the existence of god is known as the Theodicies. These theodicies lead to the ideas that God's intentions and ways are beyond us. Theodicies can provide a supportive argument for His existence yet they can also be useless and lead to dispute. The main problem is that God is known to be all powerful and knowing, which implies that if he existed then he would know how to, want to, and would be able to prevent suffering. Suffering throughout the world exists and is not prevented so therefore there is no all-powerful God. This so called God was known to lay down the rules and foundations of the universe. He chose to create people as free agents with free will, meaning people make choices on their own instead of creating robots. Obviously a world of free agents was more valuable but it was our will and intentions to create evil. We, the people as free agents abuse this freedom but it is the price we pay for the power of freedom instead of being robots. One theodicy is that God is love but he cannot prevent all evil. The problem of evil is known to be necessary for the existence of good as well. Some character traits would only exist if evil was present. For example, compassion only exists if there is suffering, and bravery exists if there is danger. Without this evil we would not have some of these good traits, but if this evil was not established in the first place then there would be no need for these traits. The soul-making theodicy discusses how people experience suffering and evil and how these experiences lead to the development of virtues such as compassion, bravery or courage. These experiences and contact with evil make it all worthy in the end and c

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