Media is an important player in our contemporary society development such as generating discussions about different issues (Aly, 2007). Our world can be seen through different perspectives. Media have had supremacy to characterize world in certain definite ways. Our perception about world is greatly shaped by things represented to us by media. This representation could be constructive or destructive. For instance, Muslim are always portrayed adversely in media and 9/11 terrorist attack has exaggerated this sentiment between media (Patterson, 2009). Hence by providing two examples, which are how negative perception about Muslim is constructed by informational or news media and how entertainment media outlets play their part in promoting the biased message about Muslims, this essay will illuminate how media is portraying Muslim around the world which has created islamophobic world. Media has always marginalised minority group (Curran & Seaton, 1988). Similarly, it has always constructed negative image about minorities (Curran & Seaton, 1988). According to McQuail(2005) media has created a specific mechanism which establishes that who will be represented and how information will be characterized. Hence, media can significantly command all the issues of our society such as war (McQuail, 2005). However, Schlesinger (1991) has stated that there is no single definition of any issue. All the influential media cooperation’s are controlled by western people. Saeed (1989) has stated that dominated group has always constructed negative image about minority. Thus Muslim as a minority are becoming victim of this course. For instance, Peter Gottschalk and Gabriel Greenberg (2007) have written in their book that in majority of American peoples fear of Islam or Islamic culture does not arise from their personal experience or this is not individual fear such as acrophobia. Actuality, people perceive negative stereotypical portrayals of Islam and Muslims in media and this has had becomes integral part of their social and individual memory. As a result they have developed islamophobic attitude (Gottschalk & Greenberg 2007). Equally, media has represented Islam as one-dimensional and monolithic. In addition, they have tagged that every person who believe in Islam share similar opinion about different topics. For instance, they are showing saddling stories about Muslim who are living in social unstable countries such as Afghanistan or Palestine with similar stories of Muslim in western countries such as UK (Frost, 2008). Media is intentionally overlooking diversity among Muslim community. On account of that a negative image of Islam is developing in front of public. This negativity is fundamental to islamophobia. Furthermore, according to Diane Frost (2008) Muslim are always a hot topic in media but after 9/11 and London bombing it has reached a crescendo. Hence continue negative representation of Islam is creating a moral panic among western people. Fear and insecurity among society result in moral panic or moral panic is product of fear and insecurity people feel during specific circumstances. Likewise, moral panic can be defined as intense feelings between people about certain issue which can produce sever threat to their social mandate or value. The be