
Effectively Motivating Employees for Success

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Question How might the business I have chosen improve the way it motivates its staff? Response The business that I have chosen to do my control assessment around is my local estate agency based in Hounslow. It's a business based on the high street and it has a dozen people. In this report I will refer to my business and how much the workers think they are motivated comparing to what their manager think they are, how the manager can make sure he can motivate the bigger majority of his workers and how it can affect their productivity levels among with promoting their creativity. Motivation is "a desire or willingness to do something enthusiastic." I know this because appendix two tells me, and I know it's right as I've done the research to back me up with the website. Looking at the results from question 6 in appendix 1, only 1 out of the 4 people claim they get regular praise. An employer even claims that he loves it when his boss congratulates him on reaching his targets!-appendix 5 Praise is one of the many important factors on the esteem level from Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs which will lead to a more successful business. I know this because Maslow's Hierarchy of needs it is made out of scientific facts. I know this because appendix 7 tells me this. Mr Gundy (branch manager) admits he doesn't have enough time to talk to all his staff due to spending time working with customers. You can see this has an effect on the staff morale as 50% of staff are not focus on their work-appendix 1 question 6, where I asked the workers if they get enough praise and recognition by their boss when they doing good work or reaching their targets. Praise is when an express of warm approval or admiration of something you did' (Appendix 3) The benefits of using praise as a method of motivating is that is free, it is very effective at building up friendships between their boss and creates the impression of trust within his workers. By giving praise to your staff regularly, it will help the company by boosting their morale and challenging them to more difficult tasks. This will lead to more successful relationships and will bring more profits to the company as their efficiency will be improved among with staff communication. Another way the business can improve is by giving more promotional opportunities. I know this is right as it's professional research

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