Seize the day. I believe people are too focused and consumed by the past and the future than to take the time and focus on the present itself. As stated in the poem "Carpe Diem," Robert Frost suggested that “It lives less in the present than in the future always and less in both together than in the past” (lines 20-23). Robert Frost’s perspective within this poem is “the present is so busy that it distracts people from actually living and taking everything in” (page 3 of the assignment handout) I couldn't agree more, with today’s society we as people are too busy with our daily lives to live in the moment and just enjoy the life we have been given. We only get one life and we are supposed to make the most of it. We try so hard to get to the future as fast as possible while depending on the past as cane to aid us that we never really stop and take a deep breath while taking in today as the only day that matters.Today’s society is almost too overcome with technology to really appreciate the world we live in. Back in the day when there was no televisions, computers or cellphones people communicated with nature and each other verbally and spiritually. They took the time to enjoy the present as it was and used their knowledge they gained to pass on to their children in hopes to better the future. Elderly people use their knowledge to enlighten today’s society on how simple life was and should be but yet we still become too consumed by our over active lifestyles The two lovers in this poem are so in love and determined to be together- as to be caught up in the moment you could say and believe they are happy yet have not realized the true happiness they have gained together that they have not experienced the true happiness they desire due to the fact they are so overwhelmed by their daily strive for better to actually focus on their love as it is today. I think everybody in today’s society live a lifestyle where they do not cherish the present but rather looks to the past hoping for better results in the future. A prime example of this situation is ones who meet and date for a short period and then get married quickly after and then not to long after realize they are not for each other. What happened was these two people were succumbed with the thought of happiness t