
The Road to My Business Success

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Society labels convicted felons as unworthy. Based on this thinking, I often feel great empathy for men and women who are incarcerated. I often followed the thinking of society that convicted felons would be put at the bottom of the application pile if they answered yes to the question, “Have you ever been convicted of a felony?” The thinking of society is that there was no career other than repeat offender for a convicted felon ever seemed possible. In this paper I will prove to you that those who believe this are by all means incorrect. After becoming a convicted felon, I had to step outside of the norm and overcome the stereotype of convicted felons. Through my own personal experience I will show you how I proved society wrong. In the year 1998, my grandmother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. This was the person who had raised me, provided for me and taught me to be the woman that I am, there was no way I could allow her be placed into a long- term care facility so I had to take care of her. Prior to her illness setting in at a chronic stage I was the family member on whom she depended. I would visit her and make sure she had everything that she needed to live comfortably. I conducted all of her personal banking for her and even though I was not on her account, the tellers at the bank knew me and would give me no problem making deposit or withdrawals. When her primary physician stated she could no longer live alone my entire family wanted to place her in a home. I could not, would not allow this. I took her home with me and took care of her to the best of my ability. She had monthly income coming in, and that helped out with food and personal items for her as well as respite care. My family members are all out for themselves, and who ever get hurt in the process is just that “hurt." During the process of placing her in the nursing home my aunt found out that I was receiving her checks and cashing them. She had the local police department to file criminal charges against me of theft, receiving stolen property and forgery. I never thought that my family would do something so cruel to me. This taught me that there is a life learning experience in everything that you do and you must be prepared for whatever comes your way whether good or bad. My grandmother and placed her in the city’s worst nursing home and my aunt became her legal guard

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