
Rethinking My High School Education

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As a young child, high school was glorified and looked at as the most amazing and important four years of your life. High school seemed like another world too my peers and I. The excitement of experiencing this consumed me as I anticipated to eventually becoming a high school student. During my 8th grade year I looked forward to high school more as my expectations were hyped even further by the endless media television and movies that featured the magnificent life of high school. Relishing in what I'd seen in media seemed very promising since this life was just around the corner from me. It’s very clear that even in school they prepare us for the “next level” of education. The word next level always stuck out to me because if it’s next level then it must be better. So at this grade I believed that how high school was displayed could be very true since it needed preparation. Not being able to control my curiosity of what real high school is like I turned toward my older siblings who were still in high school or had previously graduated from high school. It was the way that I could grasp a taste of what was told to be one of the best experiences of your life. My eldest brother disagreed and clearly explained to me that some things were over exaggerated in the media. Not going into detail he told me that some things were actually true about how the media portrayed the high school experience. Believing in what my brother told me I was highly upset. Freshman-year of high school showed me a whole new reality, high school turned out being exactly the opposite of what we were sold to believe. High school in reality was just like any other year of my educational experiences. I was no longer excited for these supposed four amazing years ahead of me. I felt betrayed by everything from teachers all the way up to media outlets who heavily exaggerated the ideal high school. That year of high school I questioned everything I was ever told or m

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