When the term medical marijuana is heard, most don't take time to think of the true benefits this plant holds. Some say it is harmful and destroys the body just like tobacco, but research says differently. What benefits does tobacco hold? Obviously none since it is the number one killer in America. "Marijuana can help relieve pain, nausea, vomiting, and other symptoms caused by such illnesses as multiple sclerosis, cancer, and AIDS, or even the harsh chemical drugs used to treat them" (Elders MD). Why doesn't the government jump on the opportunity of this plant? Tobacco is one of the most harmful toxic things to consume into ones' body. It has hundreds of deadly chemicals that should never be ingested. "Nicotine is the addictive chemical in tobacco" (Healthy People). That is not the only chemical in tobacco though, other chemicals in tobacco can also be found in; car exhaust fumes, industrial solvent, floor cleaner, paint stripper, termite poison, car batteries, lighter fluid, rocket fuel gas chambers, insecticide, and moth balls. Why someone would decide to legalize tobacco but not marijuana is still a mystery. The effects of smoking tobacco are outrageous. It causes cancer of the lungs, mouth, and throat. If tobacco is used during pregnancy it is really harmful for the baby. The problem it may cause is pre births, low weight and may cause permanent health issues with the baby. It also will yellow teeth and cause bad breath. It is also one of the most addictive things someone could use. And it's legal to purchase as long as you are at least eighteen years of age. Marijuana is the opposite of tobacco. "There is not one case of a marijuana only smoker dying from it or getting and diseases from it (Live Science) Marijuana can not only be used for its medical uses but it may be used for the whole plant. The cannabis plant can be used to make lotions, food, alternative fuels, and rope and clothing from its hemp roots. The only down