It was October, 1929, and the stock market had just crashed, marking the beginning of the Great Depression. This period, spanning more than a decade, brought upon the worst economic decline in American history with banks and businesses breaking down due to the Federal Reserve raising the credit rating and limiting the supply of money whereas they should have eased the credit rating and lowered interest rates. The expected relief sources for the American economy was through private businesses and families but this was not the case, it caused the majority of the American population to lose their jobs, their savings, forcing them to poverty and homelessness, break-ups of families, even those that were middle class citizens were suddenly forced to wait in soup kitchens and breadlines. During this period, radical organisations started popping up throughout the 1930's. An influx of Socialist, Communist and Anarchist movements were gaining strength, building popularity and inserting their influence on the American population, the shift towards a revolution of some type in America seemed inevitable at this time and the country should have exploded into a rebellion but didn't quite eventuate. For a country to go all out and rebel the people had to really hate their current lifestyle and current living standards, in this case for the U.S, the American people had to break the mould of their traditional values that they were brought up into believing. Conforming to society's ideals and not changing these beliefs also instilled fear; fear of losing what they had, even if it was very little. As Lillian Wald wrote, "People are so glad to be kept above the starving line that the fear of losing that may be at the bottom. 1 On the flip side though as a result of the depression and the growing signs of radical discontent, the bourgeois, Hoover administration, and many local and state governments feared an impending revolution. The Communist Party was a major influence for the working class of America particularly in the 1930's. Their strong presence and influence around the labou