To Whom it May Concern, Hello. My name is _________ ____________. The reason I want to go to Texas A&M Commerce is because of the nursing school program they offer. When I graduate high school I would like to become a successful nurse, preferably a BSN, RN, or nurse practitioner. Texas A&M Commerce offers B.A., B S., M.A., and M.S. degrees in the nursing program that I am interested in taking. Texas A&M Commerce is considered a good school for a college education. Thousands of students have graduated from Texas A&M Commerce and have gone on to successful careers. Texas A&M Commerce is located at 2200 Campbell St., Commerce TX 75428 and is located on almost 2,000 acres of land near the center of the town of Commerce. The fall 2013 enrollment was a record 58,809 students. Incoming students have various career goals and must utilize the available opportunities to reach those goals. Some of the degree programs are ranked very high nationally. At Texas A&M there are more than 120 undergraduate degree programs and more than 240 master’s and Ph.D. programs available. Texas A&M is ranked among the nation’s top 25 public universities and in the top 10 public engineering schools by national publications. Texas A&M is one of the largest research facilities in the Southwest United States with over $800 million spent in research. The university is one of 62 members in the Association of American Universities. Texas A&M Commerce is also ranked very high in student retention and graduation. These are just some of the reasons why students choose Texas A&M Commerce. While at Texas A&M Commerce, students engage in a variety of extracurricular activities and studies to learn the skills necessary to be successful in life. This is another reason a degree from Texas A&M Commerce is a valuable asset to the student. Like any university there are a variety of admission requirements at Texas A&M Commerce. The tuition/fee schedule is available for prospect