The field of computing has grown exponentially every decade for nearly the entire last century. There are ample marquee names that can be attributed to the headlining improvements technology has made in recent history. There are also a group of people who have completed even more accomplishments behind the scenes of technology, and have done so absolutely no acknowledgement. Some of these people have done it with cause of good and others of evil. These people are computer hackers. Computing in a sense is a relatively young science in the field of technology and with every undeveloped science has its flaws. The world's first programmable computer was invented in 1941. The hacking of programmable computers proceeded almost a half century later. In the early seventies the first hacked device became the telephone. A man by the name of John Draper discovered by whistling a precise tone he could make a long distance phone call for free by discovering it as a giveaway on a box on children's cereal. Later that decade two men by the aliases of "Berkeley Blue and "Oak Toebark" developed the blue book, a device used to hack phone systems. These men's real names were Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs, the men who went on to found Apple Computer. It wasn't until the late eighties that US Legislation began to pass laws such as the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act to give federal authorities more power to prosecute those who abuse computer technology. This has in no way stopped hacker movement across the world. John draper was arrested multiple times for phone tampering throughout the seventies and arrests for hacks have been being made ever since. The FBI is the most commonly responsible for arresting these hackers because it's done on a state-to-state basis or even internationally. In June of 2011 Hector Xavier Monsegur was arrested by the FBI and pled guilty to hacking charges under the identity of "LulzSec" as an influential member of "Anonymous,