
Overview of the Navy SEALs (United States Navy's Sea, Air, Land Teams)

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The Navy SEALs have a big influence to the U.S. Army. The Navy SEALs are considered very hard soled and do what they must for America.The Navy SEALs started when America went into the Vietnam war in late 1962. In 1963 John F Kennedy decided to increase the Navy Seal forces.The first 10 years of their existence not one Navy Seal man came home from the war. They did not die, but they stayed in the armed forces. They worked closely with a lot of other government organizations like the CIA. In 1948 they wanted to make a special teams unit. They wanted to expand seal teams into a bigger thing. They had success in the field. The teams were assigned one place in the world. To become a certified Navy SEAL you have to go through buds training camp. They make sure that you are in shape and are a good shooter. It is the toughest of training facility in all of U.S. There are 6 men per team.They demand physical strength and mental strength. There 2500 seals in active duty. On the 23d of November 1964 The Navy SEALs landed on Tarawa, and they went through a lot of trouble to get there. Tarawa is 500 miles from the U.S. missile range.The battle had a lot of blood and they say it won't ever happen again.The UDT unit were a big factor in this war. They were organized for only special Battles.It was pioneered underwater combat. They have 34 UDT teams. They were assembled for obstacles on beaches. The new Navy SEALs helped the UDTs. Their first combat was January 31 1944. The Uss Burrfish helped us win the war it was a ship a great one. Theses were the features 1550 tons, 311'6 x 27'3 x16'10 , 10 x 21 - inch torpedo tubes 1 x 5" deck gun. It was amazing. Operation overlord was a very bad battle In 1943. A lot of Navy SEALs died and it was one of the worst missions in History. Each team was assigned a specific place on the battlefield the SEALs had it good.They taught them commando raiding techniques and new guns. 6 People were killed and 11 were w

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