Gandhi once said, "Be the change that you wish to see in the world." Because I know that change begins with me, this is a quote that inspires me to keep working to make the world a better place. It all started in my childhood, my parents were drug addicts, and my brother was in and out of the judicial system. The only person in my family that I could really look up to was my big sister. She is the main person who pushed me to get through school and further my education to become who I want to be. The career that I will be pursuing is a forensic scientist. One reason as to why I want to be a forensic scientist is because in a way I would be helping people, which I really enjoy doing. The best feeling in the world is the feeling that I get after I've helped someone. Just knowing that I've helped someone make a positive change in their life is a great feeling; I also plan on displaying my ability while attending your University. Another reason why I would love to be a forensic scientist is because it has always been my desire to work in the criminal justice field. Ten years from now I could see myself as a big time forensic scientist working on TV shows, such as "CSI" or "Criminal Minds." Due to the barriers that were set before me and the things I've seen going on around me, I strive to be a better person. I want to help people make better choices in their lives, and take the road to success. For example my little sister looks up to me as her role model, and I want to lead her into a good direction. I will do so by taking my positive attitude and showing her that she should never give up on her dreams no matter what she hears on her way to achieving those goals. Everywhere I turn I have people telling me "Oh, you're not going to stick with your major" or "You can't do it," but I am determined to prove them wrong the same way I am proving them wrong now. They said that I wasn't going to make it through high school, and that I was go